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Computer Vision Based System to read the numbers in an Ishihara Plate test

Used technology:


See for more informations


-h, --help Displays this help
-k, --ocr <type> Select the type of ocr
-t, --train Trains the ocr
-s, --size <int> Selects the size of the train set [default = 2]
-l, --load <file> Loads the trained file
-d, --dump <file> Saves the trained data
-v, --verbose Verbose prints
--debug Enables debug features
-a, --accuracy <int> Calculates the accuracy
-c, --char <char> Specify the char to test
--gkt Enables gkt fixes for debian 10 and OpenCV 3.something
--silent Produce no output


This program was made for a Computer Vision course in a Master Degree in Computer Engineering by: